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the best the
brand has to
the OG IT
girl: Olivia
this perfect Coachella performance
the pillar of British cinema
the most iconic
Barbie villain
the queen of
this shoe that I do not, nor ever will, own
the most eatable chip
the aura of this brand
this specific waffle I had in Denmark
happiness is a butterfly!
cinnamon girl!
the game
of my youth
the namesake of my first webkins
great read.
difficult watch.
the restaurant that has never disappointed me
selena in this specific yellow dress that I want
the king of the pooh discography
this man
& his sardonic attitude
the people's
THE high school movie. THE high school girl.
the song that will never be skipped by me
the most accurate
description of
the most life-changing Australian TV
Blair Waldorf:
the perfect TV character
the shopping spree montage that resulted in these dresses
Amanda Bynes in this specific movie in this specific outfit
the celebrity documentary I have watched the most
my favorite game at the height of Adobe Flash
this dress
the best
girl at the
Plaza Hotel
cotton candy blizzards
this quote
this crossroads performance

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