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In most of my family's old photos, my dad is noticeably absent—he was (& still is) typically the one behind the camera.


He has diligently documented moments in my family's lives from big to small, and these photos are one of my most treasured possessions.


I recently discovered an old Canon AE-1 35 mm camera in my grandparents' basement, and upon inquiry, I discovered it had belonged to my dad 30 years ago.


I have never had formal training in photography, but I have always loved documenting the people and experiences in my life.


Below I have captured the portraits of some of the most significant people in my life with the goal to portray who they are and what they mean to me in each image—



All through the lens of my dad's camera. 




Hover to see my grandpa holding my (now 25 year-old) brother in the same spot in his backyard.


My grandpa grew up on a small farm in Payson, Utah to a widowed mother. I remember him telling me that kids at school would make fun of him for reading all the time, but he persisted in learning all he could so that he could provide for himself and a family one day. He did just that, and I have always admired his resilience, ability to work hard, and encouragement to always do our best.


Growing up a street away from my grandparents' was wonderful. My grandma taught me how to make rolls and apple sauce and always let me and my cousins roam to our heart's desire in her house and yard.


Ever since I can remember, my grandma has gathered the family together to watch slides on a projector in her living room. Most of the family photos displayed were taken by her. I'm pretty sure it's from my grandma that my dad inherited his love for photography.  


Now hover to see my grandma

holding my twin brothers in the same yard. 

jill & holly

As a sister-less individual, Holly Graff is perhaps the closest thing I've had to one.


We've seen each other through many phases of life thus far, and despite growing apart in some ways, our friendship runs deep.


Ranging from our time as coworkers at our local smoothie shop to our stint as college roommates, our friendship has consisted of many joint creative projects (elaborate photoshop jobs for the sake of a tiny inside joke, video compilations of ourselves, etc) and nights spent solely driving around the city while discussing the same topics we have a hundred times before.


Brinton is my favorite person on the planet, which should make sense because I am, in fact, married to him.


I first met Brinton when I was 16 years old, but I didn't think much about our interaction at the time. This is odd to me, considering the fact that during that first interaction (in a group setting, might I add) I vaguely mentioned a film that I love and he apparently went home and stayed up until the early hours of the morning watching it (?!) My friend informed me of this the next day, but it wasn't until much later that I investigated further into this individual (aka my now husband).

My brother Blake is the literal definition of "a man of few words." He is probably the quietest of my siblings, and typically wears the stoic facial expression that is pictured in his portrait.


I have always admired my brother for how hard-working he is. He owns an auto shop that he tends to night and day, but he manages to spend important time with his wife and son every day too. He prioritizes the most important things in life, and he is the type of person that you can count on. 






Before I could drive, my mom would send Ryan to come pick me up from swim practice every day. The only memory I have from those drives back home is sitting in silence with the occasional blast of music to mitigate the silence and show off the subwoofers in the trunk. This by no means was an indication of a poor relationship, but rather, we just didn't (and don't) really talk. We don't need to.


Ryan has great taste in music, clothing, and interior design (this photo was taken in his room that he decorated) and is very smart and methodical. We are closer than ever before after a trip abroad in which he was forced to be the voice of reason in response to my various escapades. And when I say close, I mean that sometimes I make a witty remark at a family gathering in his direction, and sometimes he laughs. 




ryan and me

My status as the youngest in the family was obliterated a year and a half ago when my nephew was born, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I certainly would not say I am the best with children, but I love watching Ike grow.


He loves to say "hi" ten thousand times a minute and in the summer he was obsessed with watching the lawn mower. He has brought a lot of joy to my family and is the best boy out there.




When I was little, I would go into my parents' bathroom every morning to have my mom do my hair before school. Eventually I started doing my own hair, but even to this day, when I'm back home I go chat with her while she does her hair and makeup in the same bathroom.


My mom is arguably the best woman on the planet, and is my best friend. She makes friends within seconds of meeting anyone with her outlandish humor and charming persona, and she has quite literally taught me what it means to be a woman. She is everything and more!!

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My dad is extremely smart and is one of the most creative people I know. He has encouraged me to pursue creative projects my whole life and has shown me how to use creativity to express love to others, whether it be through thoughtful handmade gifts, poems, or photos. 


My dad holding a camera is one of my earliest memories of him.


He "vlogged" before it was cool and took photos that may have seemed irrelevant at the time, but are now priceless.


For some reason babies have always loved my dad. Naturally, my nephew adores him, so it only made sense that he made an appearance in my dad's portraits.


My dad never asks for his photo to be taken, but I know he likes having them when he's with the people he loves the most.

I think that's when he's being his true self.


My dad is simply the best.




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